At SMBC, we believe that everything we have—our money, resources, and time—belongs to the Lord. As followers of Christ, we are called to joyfully support the church and help those in need, recognizing this as an act of worship and love. Giving should never feel like a burden but rather a heartfelt response to God’s blessings. Through your generosity, lives are transformed, and the work of God’s Kingdom advances daily. We deeply appreciate your faithfulness in serving others through your financial gifts.

When do we give?
At SMBC, we honor the sacredness of giving by taking up offerings exclusively during our Sunday morning worship service. This ensures that our giving is an intentional and unified act of worship as a church family.

How do I give?

At SMBC, we make giving simple and secure with multiple convenient options:

  • In-Person Giving: Contribute during our Sunday morning worship service as part of our collective act of worship. Please ensure a name and address is included to receive a year end contribution statement.  
  • Online Giving: Click the link to give securely and easily at any time. 
  • Text-to-Give: Simply text your gift amount to 84321 and follow the instructions to complete your donation.
  • Mail: Send your checks or money orders to:

Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church
920 14th Street, Plano, TX 75074

*Please ensure a name and address is included to receive a year end contribution statement.  

Your giving fuels our mission to grow, serve, and share the love of Christ within our community and beyond. Thank you for partnering with us in this vital work!

For questions about contributions: Call: 972-423-6695 E-mail: